Okay, now the pressure is on. Over the past couple of weeks, only my closest of friends have been looking at my blog. Now my family has joined in the fun. I feel a strange obligation to come up with something meaningful and witty on a daily basis.
Therefore, in an effort to keep expectations low, this posting will be nothing more than a factual account of how I spent my weekend...
Saturday, 5:00 AM: Woke up, showered, drove to Eric's to meet him and Mike at...
Saturday, 6:00 AM: Eric, Mike, and I drove to the Portland REI (with a slight detour to Starbucks) for the Used Gear Sale which lead to hanging out in line between...
Saturday, 6:00 AM to 8:59 AM: We waited in line and impressed each other with our early-morning wit and humor. You could feel the anticipation in the air as it got closer and closer to...
Saturday, 9:00 AM: The line started moving and pretty soon a mass of people was smashed into an area no larger than a walk-in closet. Gear was flying overhead, babies were screaming, and a remarkable amount of static was being produced by everyone's fleece jackets rubbing together as we pushed our way through the crowd. Pretty soon we were spit out at the far end of the walk-in closet at about...
Saturday, 9:27 AM: Mike was all smiles, as he scored a number of nice items at a low price. Eric made out well for himself, also. I spent $0.83. We left the store feeling satisfied and began making our plans for the rest of the day. We decided that running and golf were on the agenda. Mike and I ran from Eric's house to my house and arrived at...
Saturday, 11:15 AM: We cleaned up, gathered our golf gear and made a tee time at the course in Newberg for...
Saturday, 12:47 AM: After a quick lunch at Taco Bell, we were on the first tee box. We all had fun and decided somewhere around the fifth hole that we would make dinner for everybody. After finishing our round of nine, we went to the grocery store and got the fixins. We made shish-ka-bobs (I honestly have no idea how to spell that) for what seemed like 4-5 hours and boy were they delicious! The party broke up shortly after Jen & Trent left and we wouldn't see each other again until...
Sunday, 9:10 AM: We met at church and sat in our usual place. Stephanie and I went to Olive Garden for lunch and then to a furniture store to continue looking for a chair to be placed in the front of our great room. We might have found a design we like, but now we need to decide on color/fabric. We drove home and spent...
Sunday, 1:30 PM to 9:30 PM: We basically hung around the house and relaxed. What else are Sundays for?