Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Yesterday was uneventful. Steph and I worked in the backyard for a bit, trying to get it ready for sod installation in the near future. I can't wait to be done with it but it seems like that day will never come.

I rode my bike to work this morning. The conditions were absolutely perfect (minus the constant convoy of trucks barrelling down Tualatin-Sherwood Road). I really enjoy being active.

Charles Houston wrote in his book, K2-The Savage Mountain, about the mystery of outdoor pursuits: "The answer cannot be simple; it is compounded of such elements as the great beauty of clear cold air, of colors beyond the ordinary, of the lure of unknown regions beyond the rim of experience...[it is] the pleasure of physical fitness, the pride of conquering... the chance to be briefly free of the small concerns of our common lives..." His words perfectly echo my feelings. I've experienced the sensation of being totally consumed by the grandeur of God's creation and I feel sorry for those who aren't fortunate enough to have such an opportunity.


Peaby said...

Thank you for using the quote.

Anonymous said...

I got this mental image of you as Calvin's dad from Calvin and Hobbes. You sing the praises of the outdoors and bike-riding, etc... and your son thinks your crazy. Funny stuff.


Anonymous said...

Even though I am guilty of the bitch-n-moan at the end of that last jaunt up Mt. Adams, I totally agree with the feeling of "I don't care about my minor troubles because I just conqured this mountain."