I went for a run on the Wildwood Trail on Saturday morning. 15 miles of pure heaven. I saw a number of other trail-runners and everyone looked to be having a good time.
The great thing about running is the natural rhythm of movement. It doesn't require a great deal of concentration. Your brain is allowed to focus on those things that require thoughtful reflection...
As usual, I was listening to my eclectic mix of tunes on my MP3 player and every once in a while a powerful praise song would make its way into the rotation. I could literally feel a burst of energy as I sang along, often with a hand outstretched heavenward. I was thinking to myself as I sang, "Huh. I don't ever do this in church." But then I realized that God probably isn't that particular about how and where we choose to worship Him. I feel an intense closeness to God when I am outside enjoying His creation, so why not sing His praises when I'm on a trail run? So, if you should happen to see a tall guy running down a trail with a smile on his face and singing out of tune, it's probably me, simply engaging in some unconventional praise & worship.
As promised, another picture of Carson (this time having his temperature taken)...

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