I believe I will call this summer the "Season of Completed Endeavors." On my run last night, I was thinking about all of the fun trips I've taken and all of the long-overdue home improvements that are nearly complete. And to top it off, I finally completed the Ethics Exam and the only thing stopping me from becoming a CPA is the paperwork being lost in the mail.
Ever since I lived in Seattle and saw a picture of the Three Fingers Lookout in a book at Barnes & Noble I was anxious to go there. And this summer I did.
Ever since Eric and I did a loop hike in the Wallowas, I wanted to go back and spend more time relaxing at Moccasin Lake and peak Eagle Cap. And this summer I did.
Ever since I heard Eric and Mike tell their stories about climbing Middle Sister, I wanted to see the view from the top. And this summer I did.
Ever since I looked out my back window and saw nothing but ugly brown barkdust, I wanted to get a sod lawn installed. And this summer I did.
Ever since I realized that I could push over our fence with my pinky finger, I wanted to get the fence replaced. And this summer I did.
Ever since I sat in a large building in the Oregon State Fairgrounds for my first CPA exam (in 1999), I wanted to pass the test and become a CPA. And this summer I did.
I can't say that I ever had a desire to become a runner, but because this is the summer that all things come to completion, I did that, too.
And it looks like it will continue for the rest of the year. Stephanie and I have always talked about going to the Northeast and we're finally taking the trip in November.
I am satisfied. I haven't experienced that feeling very often in my life.
And it must be time for me to set some new goals...