Friday, February 01, 2008

Hello there. No pictures or videos this time. Instead, I've got some knowledge to share with you.

CoinStar is not a scam!

For many years, I assumed that CoinStar charged you for counting up your loose change and converting it to real money. This is not (always) the case! You can choose to receive a gift certificate from a list of retailers and you get back $1 for $1. No "counting" or "processing" fee! We selected a gift certificate to Other options were Eddie Bauer, Borders, Cabela's, Hollywood Video, Disney Store, and some others I can't think of right now.

If you want to exchange your change for cash, CoinStar does charge you for the service.

I have a feeling I learned about this from someone else's blog, so if I did, then thank you! And I didn't mean to plagiarize.


Brazenlilly said...

You are a wealth of knowledge, friend. Did they have Starbucks on there?

Jim said...

Why yes, they did have Starbucks.