Monday, February 13, 2006

So lately you might have noticed that a certain group of sporting events are getting a fair amount of television air-time. Some refer to said events as the "Winter Olympics."

I was jogging yesterday and I was trying to think of the greatest athlete of all time. I came to the following conclusion...

The greatest athlete of all time is my dog, Maddie. Seriously. She can play in the snow, play with Jaci (Stephanie's little sister), run 4 miles with me, and still be ready for more. It simply defies logic. I'm considering allowing her to run with my number in the Newport Marathon. She would dominate the field. I would be waiting for her at the finish line with a treat.


Steph said...


Roy B. said...

It's not so much that Maddie is a great athlete - it's something called YOUTH - in any species. Wait a few months 'til you see little Mickey (or Minnie) Mars - then a few years when she's running you ragged trying to keep up with her. ;=)